Countin' Up

Countin' Up

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


I know its been a LONG time since my last post.  I have had this written up for a while but I am just getting around to posting this!

This is the first year that Dylan and I have rented land to farm.  The decision to start farming came a little more easily for Dylan than it did for me.  I always knew that I would love the opportunity to farm but for me, it has turned out to be more of a lesson in faith.  Before everything began I did a bible study of "31 Days of Faith" by Tracie Steir Johnson.  Every day I did my devotion in hopes I would be able to let a little more control over to God each day.  My main reserve was that in a blink of an eye, our entire investment could be wiped out.  Everything became a threat from bugs to hail.  But by the strength of The Lord we agreed that it would be worth it.  So we planted, fertilized, and waited and watched as slowly little green tips started to rise from the dirt.  There is was, our investment, our future, my faith.  it didn't take long before we were tested.  The devil saw that my faith in God was growing strong and of course he doesn't like not having the victory.  So what comes, a funnel cloud and lots of hail.  There was a lot of time between the first sighting of that big, dark, rotating cloud coming towards us and the time it hi.  We could prepare a little by securing loose objects and parking vehicles in safety but there was nothing we could do for the crop.  Except Pray.  So I threw my hands up and prayed.  I let go of my reservations and I prayed.  Not for the crop, but for my faith.  That I would be able to fully trust God.  I felt calm and peaceful but my fear suddenly came to life for the safety of my family.  The realization that we were in danger intensified.  So while we were in the safety of the basement, Natalie and I prayed.  Afterwards she looks at me and says "It don't work".  This made me think, I prayed but do I really believe it will work.  Do I really believe that God will deliver us from the storm.  Of course.  I have faith!  Again and again we have seen the threat of a storm on the horizon.  But again and again I have put my trust in God and let my faith prevail.  Until a few nights ago.  I found myself watching the radar and thinking, this is bad.  Then the worry, the doubt, and the fear set in.  I hadn't felt so discouraged and so beaten in a long time.  What was going to happen?  this farming thing is a huge gamble.  I didn't want to feel that pit in my stomach that I had when I watched so many people lost crops from hail for so many years.  I knew it would be worse if is was our own.  So I secluded myself and did what I knew I needed to do.  I needed to pray.  God restore my faith by the next morning.  Everything had gone around us.  I could not have been more thankful!  Not because we had been spared but because my faith was once again where it had been.  I seem to awake with every thunderstorm going through.  I don't believe that this is fear of what could come.  I believe it's God showing me and saying, "I could, I can but have faith my dear child".  Only time will tell if the crop will be a success.  But even if it isn't, I feel better knowing that I have come through this experience knowing that I have ben tested and strengthened and have grown immensely.  I can't help but compare my faith to the tiny seeds that were planted and have now sprouted up and tall.  I need to remember to trust God since I can't control the situation and even if we lose the crop I will come out ahead.  After all, this crop is not ours to begin with, it belongs to The Lord!


Monday, April 29, 2013

A Tough Week

This past week started with butchering on Monday and Tuesday.  I kinda feel a little guilty that this is my third year not helping due to kids but yet I can still get the end product!  I definitely look forward to having that fresh sausage in the freezer!  Thanks to everyone that helped this year!
On April 19 we got word that my uncle Ken had passed away.  So on Tuesday, Kim and I headed to Swift Current with our kids for a few days and the rest would come the next day so they could finish butchering!
It's always tough to say good-bye to somebody for the last time.  What is hardest for me is to see the hurt in those left here.  It is this time when there is great need for a strong support system and it is soo good to see the family rally behind them and show them that we love them.  
Now we all seem to be a little sick. Nothing major and considering it is the first cold for any of us for this winter, I think we did pretty good.
Natalie helped me plant some starter seeds, a little late yes but we got them in none the less!  I love being able to do things like that with her.  We finally figured out Carter's sleeping problems and he seems to be doing much better sleeping on his stomach.  It makes things much easier during the day when you have a happy baby!

Here is a picture that I took during our photo shoot for the birth announcements!   

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Check ups and Pull ups

Carter had his six week check up this past week.  I knew he had grown but I didn't realize how much he had grown until I saw the measurements.  He weighed in at a huge 11lbs 5oz!  I was very surprised to see that number.  His head circumference has grown significantly as well and I can't remember what the length but it was up as well.  Looking back in my records, Carter weighs slightly more than Natalie did at six weeks.  Ok 1 oz to be exact!  It's amazing how much you forget about babies over two years! I forgot about the 6 week stage which we are currently going through.  It's tough but worth it!

Natalie is still doing well with the big sister role.  And we have been working on potty training over the last few weeks.  We started a countdown and told her on a certain day that we were throwing out her diapers.  We got out a bag and got her to "throw them out".  Since then, it was a pretty easy transition.  I can't believe how well she has done!  She also had her first eye appointment this week.  So far her eye sight is perfect!  She has developed a fear of flies which she calls bees.  At the appointment they put on these 3D glasses and asked her to look at a certain picture.  The picture was a giant fly!  Then to push it one step further, he asked her to grab the wings!  I was surprised that she actually gave it a shot!  She can be so brave when she wants to!

I am so incredibly thankful for my two children.  I love them so much and feel so blessed that God brought them into my life!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Snow Angels and Smiles

I'm going to try and start updating every week so here goes for today!
This is something Natalie learned this winter!  It started out by being carpet angels then one day at mama and papa's house, she got to actually try it in the snow!  Pretty soon they were all over the place! We couldn't do them at home for a few reasons.  One, well I didn't have any warm winter coat that would fit over my belly so we had to wait until it got warmer and two, our dog is VERY active and gets excited over everything.  Having a child laying on the ground would cause him to go into overdrive and I wouldn't be able to contain him!

 I LOVE this picture of Natalie! She doesn't pose very often for me anymore.  I guess its just that age.  But she's two, two year olds aren't meant to sit still.  They are supposed to explore and learn so the fact that she doesn't hold still, doesn't bother me much at all!  Her smile is so gorgeous!

 Here is Carter at 1 month!  He has grown SO much.  We have an appointment next week and I am curious to see how much he weighs now!  He is starting to fill in his sleepers now!  His sleeping habits are pretty good....usually!  It's not unusual that I only have to get up once at night to feed him.  We are working on letting him cry it out which is hard but so worth it as we have learned from Natalie being in that habit.  Just this week he has started smiling when we interact.  You have to work for it but it is adorable and definitely worth it! 

Thursday, March 21, 2013


I apologize about the pictures being small.  They were taken from my phone!  

Well this is a very happy and exciting post!  I am very pleased to introduce Carter John Silas Paetkau!  He was born on March 6 weighing 7 lbs 3.7 oz and measuring 20" long.  We went into Drumheller for a regular check-up and less than two hours later he was born!  I had been having a few issues and before they developed into something more serious, it was decided that it would be best we delivered right away.  Ok I should say that a few issues may be an understatement!  Those last few months were MISERABLE.  My body just could not take it anymore.  I had dropped Natalie off with Grandpa and Grandma in the morning and came home to finish packing our bags just in case.  We also put the carseat in just in case!  Here are a few pictures!
Taken before we left! 37 weeks and 5 days


My Boys

 My boy and I

Going home!!
SO excited to be a big sister! And doing the job wonderfully!

It's amazing how often I catch these little smiles already!

During my recovery, Natalie and I spent alot of time racing cars on the wii.

2 Weeks already and now weighing 8lbs.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Maternity Pictures

So here are a few of my Maternity pictures.  They were done I believe at 33 weeks.  I ended up using my camera on a tripod and doing a lot of walking that day!!  I got so many good ones so it was hard to pick some out to put on here.  I do have some with Dylan and Natalie in them but I don't have them ready yet.  I just thought I should maybe add these before the baby comes!

Here is a video of baby moving.  The movements get pretty intense sometime and this just gives you a brief glimpse into what I feel!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Natalie's 2nd Birthday

Well 3 months later and here they are!!  I finally got the pictures from Natalie's birthday up!  It wasn't anything fancy or big but it was perfect!  Natalie never saw the cake until we brought it to the table with the candle and she was very surprised to see that it was a cow!  As my second shot at a fancy cake I thought it turned out pretty good!  Thank-you to everybody for the gifts!

 The Presents

The Cake

Trying to blow out the candle....

.....still trying!